Since moving to Maryland in 1990, Dede has become one of the most sought-after vocal instructors in the Washington, DC area. In addition to her full schedule of private lessons, she has taken her expertise to workshops and music camps from Tucson, Arizona to Somerset, England.
Dede has helped countless amateurs express themselves and guided professionals to their full vocal potential. Her goal is to help singers find their natural voice, their style, by teaching techniques that lead to greater range, flexibility, and overall vocal quality. Ultimately, she seeks to give her students tools to bridge the gap between what they feel and what they can express. With this goal in mind, Dede teaches her students basic vocal anatomy, posture, correct breathing and breath support. Once that foundation is established, she moves on to address each student’s individual needs and musical styles.
Dede studied in New York, NY for seven years with highly regarded singer and voice teacher Rona Klinghoffer and has also worked with other celebrated coaches focusing on modern technique for non-classical styles of singing. She studied the anatomy and physiology of voice production at the University of Maryland and is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She makes a point of staying abreast of developments in the world of voice teaching.
Dede teaches individuals, at workshops, music camps and also coaches bands.
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Sore Fingers Week '24
Puget Sound Vocal Class
Jonathan Vocke
Puget Sound Vocal Class
Puget Sound Vocal Class
Camp Bluegrass Instructors
Augusta Bluegrass Week Vocal Class
Augusta Bluegrass Week Vocal Class
Folklife Apprenticeships
Folklife Apprenticeship Grants to study with a traditional roots music master artist are available through the Maryland Arts Council.
Below is a video featuring Dede and one of her students, Jonathan Vocke, who had the opportunity to study via one of these grants.